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Inline Images with Data URLs - The Cost of Banner Advertising on Web Performance - US Broadband to Break 90% by mid-2008 among Active Internet Users - Optimization Week of Feb. 28, 2008

Optimization Week Issue #93, Feb. 28, 2008

In this issue we've got three new items for you, plus some related news. First, learn how to embed small images directly within your web pages with encoded data: URLs. This technique is now reportedly supported by IE8, making this a viable options for web performance. Next, we explore the adverse effects of banner advertising on web performance. At what price ads? Finally, US broadband penetration is poised to break 90% this summer, among active Internet users.

Inline Images with Data URLs
Learn how to embed images into your web pages with data URLs. The data: URI scheme includes images directly into your XHTML pages using code instead of external files, saving valuable HTTP requests.
The Cost of Banner Advertising on Web Performance
The cost of banner ads for the average website is about one-sixth more objects and one-third more latency. Learn how online advertising affects web page response times, user behavior, and satisfaction.
US Broadband Penetration to Break 90% by Mid-2008 Among Active Internet Users - Broadband Survey: US Broadband Uptake at 57% Overall
Broadband penetration among active Internet users should break 90% by mid-2008 in the U.S, according to projections by Website Optimization. Overall, broadband penetration is 57% in U.S. households, according to a recent survey. A broadband stimulus package could realize an economic impact nearly as much as the economic stimulus package recently passed by Congress.
AOL's Pagetest, a newly open source web performance testing tool that we mentioned last issue, has now been webified. You can test your site using this web-based tool against AOL's checklist of 8 performance guidelines.