Optimize Parallel Downloads to Minimize Object Overhead - The Whole Shooting Match Digital Film Restoration - Optimization Week of January 4, 2008
Optimization Week Issue #91, January 4, 2008
In this issue we've got two new items for you. First up we show how boosting parallel downloads can improve web page response times by up to 40 percent. We summarize research by Yahoo! and Gomez engineers investigating the object overhead issue. Next, we attended the unveiling of a digitally restored classic movie, "The Whole Shooting Match" in Chicago over the holidays. The producer who restored the film introduced the film and discussed the scanning and restoration process. Happy New Year!
- Optimize Parallel Downloads to Minimize Object Overhead
- With the average web page growing past 50 external objects, object overhead now dominates most web page delays. Increasing parallel downloads by using multiple hostnames can realize up to a 40% improvement in web page latency. Dec. 26, 2007.
- The Whole Shooting Match Digital Film Restoration
We review the screening of The Whole Shooting Match, a lost classic film that was digitally restored. Time is running out for our classic films and producer Mark Rance says digital restoration is the answer. Jan. 4, 2008.