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Telcos Tout Two-Tier Internet - Hotel Broadband Battles - US Broadband Penetration Nears 65% - New Movable Type Weblog - Optimization Week of December 19, 2005

Optimization Week Issue #57, December 19, 2005

This week we launch a new weblog powered by Movable Type. We've converted the entire Bandwidth Report over to Movable Type 3.2, and posted a new article. Telecommunications companies are lobbying Congress to create a two-tier Internet where their own services would be transmitted faster than their competitors. In the US, broadband penetration approaches 65% among active Internet users in November 2005.

Telcos Tout Two-Tier Internet - Hotel Broadband Battles - US Broadband Penetration Nears 65% - December 2005 Bandwidth Report
AT&T and BellSouth are lobbying Congress to create a two-tier Internet where their own services would have higher priority than their competitors. US broadband penetration neared 65% in November among active Internet users.
The Bandwidth Report Weblog
We're pleased to announce the launch of the Bandwidth Report as a monthly weblog. Powered by Movable Type, all the past issues have been converted over to MT format. Feel free to comment on current or past stories, and subscribe to RSS feeds for the latest report.