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US Passes Singapore to 15th in Global Broadband Penetration - US Broadband Grows to 63.8% among Active Internet Users - New Multichannel Blogsite Service - Optimization Week of November 15, 2005

Optimization Week Issue #56, November 15, 2005

This week we've got the latest numbers from the ITU with the US passing Singapore to 15th in global broadband penetration, at least when you measure broadband per 100 inhabitants. Iceland is moving up in the world, while Canada is moving down the global broadband rankings. In local news, WSO has launched a new multichannel blogsite service for clients wanting to add a weblog to their site. Blogsites are a hosted web service that integrate multiple news channels into one dynamic site that can quickly build up links to your site and help raise your search engine visibility and traffic.

US Passes Singapore to 15th in Global Broadband Penetration - US Broadband Grows to 63.8% among Active Internet Users - November 2005 Bandwidth Report
The US has passed Singapore in broadband penetration among 100 inhabitants. Broadband penetration grew 1.3 percentage points to 63.8% among active Internet users in October 2005.
Multichannel Blogsite Creation Service
Our turnkey blogsite service adds a multichannel weblog to your site. Blogsites raise Internet visibility, establish thought leadership, and build brand equity.