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US Broadband Breaks 60% among Active Internet Users, but growth slows - UK Broadband Penetration Nears 75% at Home - Optimization Week of September 29, 2005

Optimization Week Issue #53, September 29, 2005

In this issue of Optimization Week we find U.S. homes breaking the 60% broadband penetration barrier for the first time. We talk to broadband researchers to see their reaction. Also in the news, UK broadband is nearing 75%, soundly trouncing the US for home broadband updake. While broadband is increasing, a new study from Pew Interent shows that broadband growth in the U.S. is slowing down. An aging, less educated, and less affluent dial-up population is less likely to incur the necessary switching costs says Pew. We talked to Pew's Director of Research to explore the reasons behind this reluctance to switch to broadband.

US Broadband Breaks 60% among Active Internet Users, but growth slows - UK Broadband Penetration Nears 75% at Home - September 2005 Bandwidth Report
US broadband penetration broke 60% for the first time in August 2005 rising to 61.3% among active Internet users. However, broadband penetration growth is slowing according to a recent study. Britons enjoy a commanding lead over the US with nearly 75% of UK Internet households reporting a broadband connection.