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Web Page Analyzer 0.96 - FCC Fudging Broadband Figures? - Optimization Week of August 1, 2005

Optimization Week Issue #51, August 1, 2005

In this issue of Optimization Week we've got two new items for you. First we just updated the Web Page Analyzer 0.96 to include a batch analysis mode for licensees. By popular request you can now feed the analyzer a text file of URLs, and it'll analyze "en masse" ala batch mode all the URLs, save them in a MySQL database, and present the results in a nice GUI interface (web-based of course). If you've been waiting for the batch version, now's the time to contact us. Meanwhile, our latest Bandwidth Report switches over to a new more accurate reporting method for broadband versus narrowband, and wonders if the FCC is fudging broadband figures to paint a rosier picture for the administration.

Web Page Analyzer 0.96
Web Page Analyzer 0.96 features a new batch mode for licensees. Now you can analyze multiple web pages at once, save the results in a MySQL database, and view the results in a web-based interface.
FCC Fudging Broadband Figures? - US Broadband Penetration Jumps to 58.6% in June 2005 - July 2005 Bandwidth Report
The FCC's recent broadband penetration report has critics wondering about its accuracy. U.S. broadband penetration jumped by 1.36 percentage points to 58.6% in June 2005. Note that as of the July the Bandwidth Report has switched to the more accurate NetSpeed report data.