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UK's Digital Divide - Organic SEO Presentation - AOL Trip Recap - May 16, 2005

Optimization Week Issue #48, May 16, 2005

In this issue of Optimization Week we've got a new bandwidth report with news of UK's Digital Divide, a new presentation on Organic SEO, and some AOL trip highlights.

UK's Digital Divide - US Broadband Penetration Jumps to 58.5% in April - May 2005 Bandwidth Report
In Britain, broadband penetration tends to be higher in younger, more affluent political constituencies. U.S. broadband penetration jumped by 1.42 percentage points to 58.46% in April 2005.
Organic SEO Presentation: Best Practices for Maximum Rankings (PDF, 1056K, right click to save)
An in-depth tutorial on natural SEO with real-world examples and case studies. Gives overview of search engine traffic, optimum keyphrase length, SEO best practices, plus tips on on-site and off-site optimization. Talk given at Ann Arbor IT Zone on April 28, 2005.
AOL.com Trip Recap
I had the privilege of presenting my speed analysis of key AOL pages to the staff of AOL last week at their Dulles, Virginia headquarters. Quite an impressive facility and staff who asked lots of probing performance questions. After a day at AOL I was able to visit Washington, DC to see the sights, and what sights there are. Senator Debbie Stabenow (Michigan) and Senator Evan Bayh (Indiana) were kind enough to arrange tours of the Library of Congress and the Capitol. Visits to IMAX movies, the Smithsonian, the National Archives, the National Gallery of Art soon followed in quick succession. The highlight of the trip was the International Spy Museum which I heartily recommend.