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It's a Broadband World After All - Web Page Analyzer 0.944 - Call to Action Book - Aruba Bound - April 6, 2005

Optimization Week Issue #46, April 6, 2005

In this issue of Optimization Week (more like Optimization Month) we've got the latest broadband news from The Bandwidth Report, another Analyzer update, a new book on conversion rate optimization, and travel news for your fearless leader. First, in a homage to Disney, we find that "It's a Broadband World After All," with over 62% of the wired population on broadband. Next we've revved our Web Page Analyzer a few times since we last talked, with frame foibles fixed, self-authentication, and a new desktop version. Next, we preview a great new eMarketing book that's about to hit the shelves. Finally, I've been invited to an eMarketing conference in Aruba to talk about SEO and broadband. It was an offer I couldn't refuse. Tropical SEO here I come. Until next time.

It's a Broadband World After All - US Broadband Penetration Grows to 56.3% in February - March 2005 Bandwidth Report
Worldwide, over 62% of the Internet population uses broadband as their primary connection. While broadband penetration grew by 24% last year, narrowband connections still dominate many rural areas. In the U.S. broadband penetration grew by .55 percentage points to 56.29% in February 2005.
Update: Web Page Analyzer™ 0.944
Our latest update fixes frame foibles, self-authenticates for password protected directories, and we've updated our desktop version. Be sure to turn off ad-blocking software when running the analyzer, otherwise the URLs not always appear in the results, but the file sizes will still be reported. If you've licensed the desktop or server version, email us for an update.
Call to Action: Secret Formulas to Improve Online Results
Bryan and Jeffrey Eisenberg have written a great new book on conversion rate optimization for websites. I was lucky enough to receive an early review copy of the book, which has many nuggets of web site wisdom. The book is a compilation of their writings from GrokDotCom, ClickZ, seminar presentations, and their staff and colleagues. Each article is a few pages long on a specific topic, all revolving around boosting your ROI through conversion rate optimization. The Eisenbergs are the acknowledged masters of conversion rate optimization, having practiced what they've preached since 1998. The book, which is priced to sell at only $13.95, is due to be released May 9, 2005. More info at Future Now Inc..
Aruba Bound
If you happen to be in Aruba next week, stop by the Wyndham Hotel for the 2nd annual eMarketing Conference, I'll be giving a talk on Search Engine Optimization and broadband. Yes that's right, your humble narrator got a call recently he just couldn't refuse. I'm still furiously putting together the preso, so if you've got examples of great or awful SEO, send them in.