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Update: Use a Ball Head - U.S. Broadband Users Up 35.9% in 2004 - Web Page Analyzer 0.938 - Optimization Week of January 23, 2005

Optimization Week Issue #43, January 23, 2005

For this first issue of the new year we've got a couple updates plus a new article. First, surveying the recent offerings of camera accessory manufacturers we thought we'd update our ball head comparison. Really Right Stuff and Markins top the poshest tripods with innovative designs sure to solidify your image.

In this month's Bandwidth Report, the number of broadband users grew by 35.9% in 2004 from 51,096,054 to 69,431,802 users in the U.S. For the first time, our projections show that broadband growth is slowing. Now we predict broadband will break 70% among active Internet users in December 2005.

Update: Use a Ball Head
Updated with the latest products, this article compares new ball heads from RRS and Markins, including two new titanium models. A solid ball head means sharper and smaller photos and videos.
January 2005 Bandwidth Report - U.S. Broadband Users Up 35.9% in 2004 - U.S. Broadband Penetration Jumps to 54.7% in December
In 2004, the number of broadband users in US homes increased by 35.9%, outpacing the growth at work by nearly 15%. In December 2004, U.S. broadband penetration climbed 1.1 percentage points to 54.69%.
Web Page Analyzer 0.938
The analyzer now features textarea input with optional base href, 404 detection, and a max_page_size (set to 1MB) limit.