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Beach, Blanket, Broadband! - Cut the Comments - New Server

Optimization Week Issue #37, September 20, 2004

This week we find an interesting trend in broadband, with coastal cities trumping inland areas on broadband penetration. Meanwhile, broadband continues its inexorable climb in the U.S. In our Speed Tweak act like a dirty politician when commenting your code to help optimize your XHTML, CSS, and JavaScript. In WSO news due to the increased load on our site, including the Web Page Analyzer we're moving to our own dedicated server this week.

Beach, Blanket, Broadband! - US Broadband Penetration Grows to 51.4% Among Active Internet Users - September 2004 Bandwidth Report
US broadband penetration continued its steady growth past 50% among active Internet users in August 2004. Broadband penetration tends to be higher in affluent coastal cities versus inland areas.
Cut the Comments
Eliminating comments within your XHTML, CSS, and JavaScript code helps optimize your web pages for maximum speed.
WebSiteOptimization.com Server Upgrade
We're moving to our own server this week, due to increased traffic on the site, and the WebPageAnalyzer.com script.