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US Narrows Canadian Broadband Lead - Multimedia: Use Lossy Compression for Smaller GIFs and PNGs

Optimization Week Issue #22, April 26, 2004

In this month's Bandwidth Report, the US has narrowed the "broadband gap" with Canada. Canadian broadband penetration seems to be tapering off. Is there a broadband saturation point? In this week's Speed Tweak we explore the benefits of "lossy" compression with GIFs and PNGs.

US Narrows Canadian Broadband Lead - US Broadband Penetration Grows to 46%
The US has narrowed Canada's broadband lead by 9.2%. US broadband penetration grew by 12.2% to 46% over the past year, while Canadian broadband adoption grew just 3% to 67% over the same time period.
Graphics: Use Lossy Compression for Smaller GIFs and PNGs
Lossy compression lets you squeeze more bytes out of your GIFs and PNGs. Lossy compression increases identical pixel patterns to improve compression in indexed-color images.