Website Grader - FCC Identifies Broadband Gaps - Thousand Islands Photos Published - Optimization Week of December 17, 2009
Optimization Week Issue #111, December 17, 2009
This time we've got three items for you. First we review a nifty new SEO tool dubbed Website Grader. This new tool analyzes your site for factors that impact search engine rankings and grades your site, comparing it with other sites and its own criteria. Next we preview a new report from the FCC that identifies some broadband gaps in US broadband policy. Finally, our own Andy King had some photographs published recently in an online magazine.
- Website Grader
This new SEO too analyzes your site using twenty on-site, and off-site criteria. On-site criteria include metadata, headings, image alt tags, and readability level. Off-site criteria include domain information (registration time), Google PageRank, number of pages indexed, traffic rank, inbound links, and listings in major directories. The tool also analyzes any blogs on your page, and grades them according to activity and inlinks. The tool is a handy way to quickly analyze a site for SEO effectiveness, but it isn't perfect. The guidelines for title and meta data length are too restrictive, saying 70 characters is a maximum title tag is too limiting (you can go as long as 12 to 15 words). Overall, this is a great improvement over the existing tools available.
- FCC Identifies Broadband Gaps
A Harvard study commissioned by the FCC found that open access to broadband lines through local loop "unbundling" is one key factor in fostering widespread adoption of broadband in the US and other countries.
- Thousand Islands Life Publishes Andy King's Photos
- In an unrelated to Website Optimization topic, I was fortunate enough to be published recently in Thousand Ialands Life, an online magazine devoted to life in the Thousand Islands region of upstate New York and southern Ontario, Canada. The editor Susan Smith invited me to submit some photographs showing the islands at their best. Hope you enjoy the December issue, and Happy Holidays.