Slashdot Reviews Website Optimization Book - Universal TV White Space Broadband? - Optimization Week of November 18, 2008
Optimization Week Issue #103, November 18, 2008
In this issue we've got two new items for you. First we're happy to announce that Slashdot has reviewed the Nighthawk book. We can assure you that the Slashdot effect is still in place. Next, the future is looking bright for wireless broadband. With the FCC's recent ruling freeing up the "white space" of newly released TV spectrum, universal wireless could be just around the corner. Behind the scenes we've been busy rolling out our new adaptive conversion rate optimization service that is orders of magnitude faster than Google's Web Site Optimizer.
- Universal TV White Space Broadband?
- The FCC has released the 'white spaces' of unused television spectrum to the public. This ruling opens the way for universal, low-cost broadband access for every American household.
- Slashdot Reviews Website Optimization Secrets
- Slashdot has reviewed the Nighthawk book, calling it engaging and comprehensive. The Slashdot effect is alive and well.